Sunday, February 26, 2012

16-2 probability of occuring events together

here is the second blog for this week. this blog is going to be a review on section 16-2 with probability of occuring events together. the formula that needs to be remembered is P(A and B) means you multiply the events usually problems will be giving you the prbability of two events. the example will elaborate more on this

EX: fom a box containing 3 red balls and 5 green balls, 2 balls are randomley picked one after the other without replacement. find the pribability of each:

a) both balls are same color
P(RR) + P(GG)
3/8 * 2/7  +  5/8 * 4/7= 26/56 = 13/28

b) one is red one is green
P(RG) + P(GR)
3/8 * 5/7  +  5/8 * 3/7 = 30/56 = 15/28

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