Saturday, May 5, 2012

Review of the Trig Chart

So since all we did this week was take tests and review for some more tests. I am going to just review the oh so wonderful and important trig chart.

sin 0= 0

sin pi/6=1/2

sin pi/4= square root of 2/2

sin pi/3= square root of 3/2

sin pi/2= 1 

cos 0= 1

cos pi/6= square root of 3/2

cos pi/4= square root of 2/2

cos pi/3= 1/2

cos pi/2= 0

csc 0= undefined

csc pi/6= 2

csc pi/4= square root of 2

csc pi/3= 2 square root of 3/3

csc pi/2= 1

sec 0= 1

sec pi/6= 2 square root of 3/3

sec pi/4= square root of 2

sec pi/3= 2

sec pi/2= undefined

tan 0= 0

tan pi/6= square root of 3/3

tan pi/4= 1

tan pi/3= square root of 3

tan pi/2= undefined

cot 0= undefined

cot pi/6= square root of 3

cot pi/4= 1

cot pi/3= square root of 3/3

cot pi/2= 0

you also might need to know these few things.

pi/6= 30 degrees, pi/4= 45 degrees, pi/3= 60 degrees, pi/2= 90 degrees, sin=sine, cos=cosine, csc= cosecant, sec=secant, tan=tangent, cot=cotangent.

so that's it. later

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