Sunday, February 12, 2012

standard deviation and variance

soo this week we learned about standard deviation and variance. I am going to show you a few important things you need to know in order to do these types of problems. So here are the formulas.
  • The formula used for these problems is s^2 = ((∑(xi^2)) / (n)) - x̅ ^2
  • When you see the symbol, ∑ it means the sum.
  • The symbol xi stands for the numbers.
  • x̅ stands for the mean of the numbers.
  • The letter n stands for the amout of numbers being used in the problem.
  • When working these problems, you might find it easier by setting up a chart with two columns.
  • Also, when working these problems, you might find it easier by finding everything first then plugging it into the formula given above.

So now that i have showed you the information you need to know i will show you how to do a problem.

Example 1: Find the standard deviation of 5, 5, 7, 8, and 10.

  • The first thing you are going to do is find everything.
  • n is going to be 5.
  • x̅ is going to be 7.
  • ∑(xi^2) is going to be 263
  • Once you find everything you can, you plug it into the formula.
  • Your answer is going to end up being 1.897
and thats how you work it!!

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