Sunday, March 4, 2012

13-4 infinite limits

today im teaching you about infinite limits. although this sounds hard it is really easy. it is easier then most stuff we have done this year. if you have a fraction with 2 polynomials divided use these rules...  1) (degree) top = (degree) bottom  lim x --> (infinity) = lead coeff. / leading coeff.  2) (degree) top > (degree) bottom  lim x --> (inifity) = +/- (infinity)  3) (degree) top < (degree) bottom   lim x --> = 0.   if it doesn't follow rules... 1) plug into y=   2) 2nd table  3) plug in 10|100|1000|10000 until you see pattern. 4) E +ve # = + or - inf  E -ve # = 0.  if it is geometric 1) |r| < 1 then = 0 if |r| > 0 = (infinity)

EX: lim n --> (infinty)   n+5/ n
 look at all the rules
top = bottom
1/1 = 1

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