Sunday, March 18, 2012

We spent the past week learning about logarithms and all the wonders that come with them and by golly it was exciting! This blog is all about those logarithms.

Alright, so here are the things you will need to know:

• Logs can be written as exponents and vice versa. For example: log x = a could also be written as 10^a = x. 10^c = 4 could also be written as log 4 = c
• Whenever you solve a log, you have to convert it to exponential form
• If the base of the log is not written, it is implied that the base is 10
• If the base of the natural log is not written, it is implied that the base is e
• Shortcut: If b and x are equal, then they cancel out and leave you with the exponent as your answer

Rewrite the following in exponential form then solve.


Remember, base^right side of equal sign=left side of equal sign



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