Saturday, March 17, 2012


5-6 Laws of Logarithms
In this lesson, we learned how to prove and use laws of logarithms.
-If M and N are positive real numbers and b is a positive number other than 1, then:
  1. logb MN = logb M + logb N
  2. logb M/N = logb M - logb N
  3. logb M = logb N if and only M = N
  4. logb MO^k = klogb M, for any real number k
Example 1: Write the expression in terms of log M and log N.
a) log (MN)^2
= 2 (logM + logN)

b) log 1/M
= -log M

Example 2: Write the expression as a rational number or as a single logarithm.
a) log 8 + log 5 - log 4
= log 8(5)/4
=log 10 (There is no base, so it's automatically a base of 10, which makes the bases the same. - Therefore, the bases cancel out)
= 1

b) 2 ln6 - ln 3
= ln 36 - ln 3
= ln 12

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