Sunday, March 25, 2012

review of matrices,WOOHOO

This week, since we just reviewed trig and took our exam, I’ve decided that I would review the wonderful world of matrices with all of you. So here we go with the blogging and what not.

-A^t means transpose. That simply means switch the rows and columns.
-To add matrices they must be the same dimensions (number of rows and columns)
-To complete scalar multiplication you multiply every entry by the number.

M= [7 1 5]
[4 3 2]

A. What are the dimensions of the matrix?
2x3 ( There are two rows and three columns )

B. Find m^t
[4 7]
[3 1]
[2 5]

Example TWO:

Add the matrix from the last example and the matrix
[8 3 4]
[6 2 9]

Simply add the corresponding spots.
[7+8 1+3 5+4]
[4+6 3+2 2+9]

The answer would then be:
[15 4 9]
[10 5 11]

So that is how you work with matrices.

--Sarah (:

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