Sunday, April 8, 2012


Putting logs in exponential form, expandings logs and condensing them will all be taught today. This is all really simple once you know how to perform the proper steps in solving them.

Ex 1:put in exponential form
log base 2 8 = 3
you use the base which in this case is 2 and you raise that to what the whole thing equals, which is 3
2^3 = 8 : this is what your answer should look like.

Ex 2:
log (AB)^3
when expanding logs, you put everything terms of addition if multiplied and subtraction if divided and exponents go in front of the equation
3 log A + 3 log B

log 6 + log 5 - log 3
to condense you just do the expanding steps backwards.
log 6 * 5 / 3
log 30/3
log 10
since this is log 10 the base i also 10 which cancles everything
The answer is then 1

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