Sunday, April 22, 2012


Today we will learn about vectors. Vectors are one of the most straight forward things we learned in trig. it's also the last thing in trig that we will learn for the year(i think) Sooo,

Here are some things you need to know:
1. vector: slope
2. vector addition: v+u = +=
3. vector subtraction: v-u = -=
4. scalar multiplication: kv=k=
5. to find a vector from two points: P2-P1
6. vector equation: (x,y)=(xo, yo)+t
7. parametric equation: x=xo+at and y=yo+bt
8. |v|(magnitude of a vector)=square root(x^2 + y^2)
9. component form:

That's all the notes we are going to learn for today. Now i'm going to show you some examples.

Example 1: <2,3>-<5,1>
After subtracting the first two and the last two, you get <-3,2>

Example 2: u=pq where p=(2,1) and q=(6,4). What is |u|?
You use the convert into a vector formula to get the vector.
Now you do the magnitude formula. so you get the Square root (4^2+3^2) which gives you 5.

That's about it for now, byeee,

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