Sunday, April 1, 2012

Review of 8-4

Okay so this week I am going to review section 8-4 which is on the relationship among functions! This was confusing when I first learned it, but it is actually very easy once you remember all the relationships. So first I am going to give you a few notes that you are going to need.

  • The first thing you do is to do all the possible algebra to the problem.
  • Once you do everything possible, you would first try to use your pythagorean identities.
  • After that you would move everything to sin and cos.
  • The next thing you would do is do algebra again.
  • Once you do all of that you keep repeating steps 1 through 3 until your problem is completely simplified.

Okay, so now that you know all that, I am going to give you a few extra things you are going to need to know.

Pythagorean Identities:

  • sin^2x+cos^2x=1
  • 1+tan^2x=sec^2x
  • 1+cot^2x=csc^2x

Changing to Sin and Cos

  • cscx=1/sinx
  • tanx=sinx/cosx
  • cotx=cosx/sinx
  • secx=1/cosx

Now that you know everything you need to know, I will work a few examples for you. This is hopefully help you to better understand how to work these problems.

Example 1: 1+tan^2x

  • There is no possible algebra that can be done to this problem.
  • This problem is one of your pythagorean identities, which is going to make your problem equal to secx^2. That is then going to be your answer.
  • So you answer is secx^2.

Example 2: cos^2x+sin^2x

  • There is no possible algebra that can be done to this problem.
  • You are first going to look for identities, which you can tell that this problem is one of the
  • pythagorean identities which means it will equal to 1.
  • So you answer is going to be 1.

And that is it for this weeek. See youu next weeek. Byeee.


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