Sunday, April 1, 2012

7-1 Review

This weekend I am going to review with you all the information that we learned in Chapter 7 section 1. This lesson is about degrees, radians, and co-terminal angles. In this lesson we learned how to convert degrees to radians and radians to degrees. We also learned how to convert degrees to minutes and seconds and how to find co-terminal angles.


• When you convert from degrees to radians, you use this formula: degrees * pi/180
• When you convert from radians to degrees, you use this formula: radians * 180/pi
• To convert from degrees to minutes and seconds, you take what is behind the decimal and multiply it by 60. Then you would do it again to find seconds. If there is still a decimal, then you drop the numbers after the decimal
• To convert from minutes and seconds back to degrees follow this formula:
Degrees + min/60 + sec/3600
• When you find a co-terminal angle, you add/subtract 360 degrees or 2 pi

Example: convert 60 degrees to radians
• 60 * pi/180
• 60 pi/180
• Pi/3


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