Sunday, April 29, 2012

Review of Chapter 7

Okayy, so this week we reviewed for the trig test! So I am going to do my blog on a review of chapter 7. This is should be very easy because you should already know all of this. So lets get started! First, I am going to give you some formulas.

  • K=1/2r^2 Ɵ
  • K=1/2rs
  • s=rƟ
In the last formula, r=distance between two objects, Ɵ=apparent size, and S=diameter of an object.

Okay, so now I am going to give you a few examples.

Example 1: A sector of a circle has a radius 8 cm and central angle 2 radians. Find its arc length and area.
In this problem,
  • R(radius)=8cm
  • Ɵ(central angle)=2
  • K(area)=?
  • S(arc length)=?
To solve this problem, you would use the equation k=1/2r^2Ɵ.
Therefore, k=1/2(8)^2(2) so k=64cm^2.
You then plug into k=1/2rs. Since you’re solving for s, it becomes k/1/2r=s.
Therefore s=64/4 so s=16cm.And those are your two answers!
Well, that's it for this weeeek. See ya later! Byeee.

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