Sunday, December 4, 2011


Chapter 14 is all about matrices. A matrix is a group or set of numbers. Today wet are going to learn the basics of matrices. We're going to learn how to tell the dimensions, how to add and subtract, and how to transpose(^t).

The first thing we're going to learn is how to tell dimensions. You do this by counting the number of rows and columns. You then put it in the form (rows x columns)
Example: 2 -5 10
-4 19 4
The dimensions would be 2x3

Te next thing we're going to learn is how to add/ subtract matrices. All you do is add or subtract the corresponding numbers. THE MATRICES MUST HAVE THE SAME DIMINSIONS!
Example: (2 6 -2) + (-2 5 0)
Answer: (0 11 -2)

The last thing we're going to learn is how to transpose. All you do for this is switch the rows for columns and columns for rows.
Example: what is (2 3 -2)^t?
Answer: 2

And that all there was in section 1! Hope you leanred something!

Carleyyyy :)

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