Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today, we are going to begin reviewing about simple matrices. We are going to review three things: how to add and subtract, how to multiply, and how to find the dimension of a matrix. When adding and subtracting them, you have to make sure they have the same dimensions. Dimensions are the number of rows by the number of columns. I'm going to show you an example of adding and subtracting matrices.

Example 1.
2 2 + -3 5 = -1 7
4 6 4 -1 8 -5

They next thing we are going to review about matrices is how to multiply them. Multiplying can be a bit more difficult but it still is not that hard. When looking at dimensions of two matrices, this is what it has to look like AxB BxC. Once you know you can multiply, you multiply rows by columns.

Example 2.
2 x 3 -4 = -2
1 -1

I hope this made you remember how to add and multiply simple matrices!

Have a Great New Year!

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