Sunday, September 4, 2011

7-1 Measurement of Angles

Two ways to measure angles are by using degrees and radians:

1) You can break down degrees into minutes(') and seconds(").

-If you're converting degrees to minutes, you take all numbers behind the decimal, and multiply that by 60.

-If you're converting degrees to seconds, you take all the numbers behind the decimal in what you got for minutes, and multiply that by 60.

-If you want to convert minutes and seconds back to degrees, you use the following equation:
degrees + (min/60) + (seconds/3600)

Ex 1: Convert 15.33 degrees to degrees, minutes, and seconds.

a) .33 X 60 = 19.8'

b) .8 X 60 = 48"

answer = 15 degrees 19' 48"

2) Radians are the recommended way to measure angles. All formulas require radians.

-To convert degrees to radians: degree(x)(pie/180)

-To convert from radians to degrees: radians(x)180/pie)

*pie will cancel out

Ex 2: Convert 195 degrees to radians.

a) 195 X (pie/180)

answer = (13/12)pie

And those are some examples of how to measure angles.-Jordan Duhon:)

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