Sunday, September 4, 2011


I am going to detail how to convert degrees to radians as well as going back from radians to degrees.

Step for converting degrees to radians:
Whatever the degree may be, one must multiply it by pi over 18o.

Example 1:

1. 285 degrees is to be plugged into the formula pi over 180
2. In the calculator, it should be inputed as 285/180.
3. The answer should be in fraction form as 19/12 with the pi symbol written next to it.

Step for converting radians to degrees:
The rads are multiplied using the formula 180 over pi. Pi will cancel leaving it to be degrees.

Example 2:
1. 5/12 pi is to be plugged into the formula 180 over pi
2. In the calculator it should be inputed as 5/12 multiplied by 180.
3. The answer 75 should be written in degree format.

- Sameer

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