Sunday, September 4, 2011


I am going to show you how to convert degrees to radians, and radians to degrees.

Degrees to Radians
a.) To convert (degrees) to radians the formula is degrees x pie/180
- To type this into a calculator you would input (degrees/180) which would give you a fraction. Then put (pie) next to it as the final answer.

Convert 300 degrees to radians.

  1. Plug 300 degrees into the formula. 300 x pie/180.

  2. Enter 300/180 into your calculator: 300/180= (5/3)

  3. Put (pie) next to fraction.

  4. Final answer should look like this: (5/3)pie

Radians to degrees

a.) to convert radians to degrees, the formula is rad x 180/pie (Pie will cancel)


Convert (5/4)pie to degrees

  1. Plug (5/4)pie into formula

  2. (5/4)pie x 180/pie

  3. The (pie) cancel and you get left with: (5/4) x 180

  4. The answer would be 225 degrees

I am so happy and filled with joy that i could help my fellow human beings. Tune in next week so I can help you with something else Mrs. Robinson teaches me. Boy o boy i cant wait. See you there:)

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