Sunday, September 25, 2011


so today we are going to learn about the graph of y=sinx and y=cosx
y=sinx starts at zero goes up then back to zero then below zero then back up to the x axis
y=cosx starts around 1 and then goes down to the x axis then below it then back up to the x axis then right above it.
- amplitude is how high or low a curve is from the origin "A"
- to find amplitude
y=a sin bx
y=a cos bx
amplitude can't be negative
-period- how long it takes for a curve to repeat itself. 2pi/b
******************Steps to graphing the trig function**********************

1. i dentify if there is a negative to determine which way the graph will go.

2. find the period

3. find the amplitude

4.write the 5 imput points

5. divide everything by "B"

6. if anything is added or subtracted in parenthesis do the opposite for all 5 points

7. sketch


graph y=2sin 2x

1. graph for sin

2. P= 2pi/B B=2 2pi/2=pi

3. Amp=2

4. 0 /2= 0
pi/2 /2= pi/4
pi /2= pi/2
3pi/2 /2= 3pi/4
2pi /2= pi

7. you would graph the points and connect the lines.

BAM!!!!!!!! done

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