Sunday, September 11, 2011

7-4 Reference Angles

Today we are going to learn how to find a reference angle. This is done by using 3 simple steps.


1. Find the original quadrant and sketch.

2. Determine if the angle is positive or negative using unit circle methods.

3. Subtract 360º or 180º until the absolute value of ø is between 0 and 90º

Now I am going to show you an example of how this is done.

Find a reference angle for Sin(355º)

1. Sin(355º) is in quadrant 4 because it is between 270º and 360º.

2. Because we are trying to find a reference angle for sin, you use the formula y/r to determine whether or not it's going to be negative or positive.
335º is in Quadrant 4, so you use the formula y/r to find out whether or not it's negative.Y is negative because you're in quadrant 4 and r is always 1, so negative/1=negative.

3. 355º-360º=|-5º|
This means that Sin(355º)= -Sin(5º)

Your final answer will be written as Sin 355º= -Sin 5º


1 comment:

  1. Carley,

    Great work! I keep hearing that PBS sprout tv show that has the 3 simple steps! song...
