Sunday, November 27, 2011


11-2 has problems that use complex numbers.
Formulas you need to know:
  • z=x+yi
  • z=rcos(theta)+rsin(theta)i
  • z=rcis(theta)
  • z=square root of x^2+y^2

When multiplying complex numbers:

  • If it is a rectangular problem, you always use foil.
  • If it is a polar problem, you always multiply r and add theta.

Example 1: 5+2i

  • First, you have know if it is in rectangular form or polar. It is in rectangular form.
  • Now, since you know it is in rectangular form, you know you will have to find r and theta.
  • Use the formulas from above ^^^^^. To find r, you have to use the r=square root of x^2+y^2 formula.
  • Put the numbers in the formula and solve: R=square root of 5^2+2^2=square root of 25+4=square root of 29. (i always equals 1)
  • Now, you have to find theta by using the formula Theta=tan^-1(y/x).
  • Put the numbers in the formula and solve: Theta=tan^-1(2/5)=21.801 and then you have to put it in quadrant one and then find the other answer which is 201.801.
  • You can now put your answers in their final form: square root of 29cis21.801 and -square root of 29cis201.801.

Example 2: 8cis240 degrees

  • Like the problem above, you have to know which form this equation is in. It is in polar form.
  • Since it is in polar form, you now know that you have to find x and y.
  • You have to use the formulas x=rcos(theta) and y=rsin(theta).
  • Since the degrees in the original problem is not between 0-90, we have to find a reference angle. 240-180=60.
  • Now you can place the numbers in the formulas.
  • X=8cos60=8(1/2)=4
  • Y=8sin60=8(square root of 3/2)=6.928
  • Your final answer is z=4+6.928

-Amber :)

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