Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And one more blog about old stuff

Let me show you how to find all six trig functions from a triangle.

All you need to know is the formulas for all the trig functions.

They are: sin=y/r csc=r/y
cos=x/r sec=r/x
tan=y/x cot=x/y


Imagine you have triangle ABC where AB=6 BC=3 CA=2, Find all six trig functions.

For this problem, were going to call AB the radius, BC will be on the x values, and CA will be the y's since i cant find a triangle like the one im picturing.

Now its just a matter of plugging into all the formulas.

The final answers will be: sin=1/3 csc=3
cos=1/2 sec=2
tan=2/3 cot=3/2

I know this was a terrible example of trying to esrcibe a triangle but its all i can do.

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