Sunday, January 29, 2012

Combination and Permutation

Okay, so this week I am going to explain how to work problems using combination and permutation. This is extremely easy. First your going to need to know a few things.

  • You use combination when order does't matter
  • You use permutation when order does matter
  • The formula for combination is nCr = n!/(n-r)!r!
  • The formula for permutation is nPr = n!/(n-r)!
  • Another way to work these problems out is by using the combination or permutation function in your calculator.
  • n is always going to be the bigger number, while r is always going to be the smaller number in the word problems.
Okay, so now that you know all that you need to know i guess ill work a few examples for you.

example 1: In how many ways can a club with 13 members choose 4 different officers?

  • Since the officers are all different then you should automatically know that you are going to be using permutation because the order is important.
  • 13 is going to be n and 4 is going to be r.
  • 13P4 = 17,160
example 2: In how many ways can a 20 person student council choose a two person governing council?

  • Since the two person governing council can be anyone, then the order isn't important which means you are going to be using combination
  • 20 is going to be n and 2 is going to be r
  • 20Cr = 190
and that is how you work problems using combination and permutation. I told you is was easy. well thats it for this week. byeeee


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