Sunday, January 8, 2012

Function Notation

Hello Everybody. Now i am going to teach you about function notation.

First lets get the formulas:

(f + g)(x)= add equations

(f - g)(x)= subtract eqns

(f *g)(x)= multiply (closed circle)

(f/g)(x)= divide

(f o g)(x) or f(g(x))= replace all x's in the f(x) eqn w/ the eqn g(x)

Now lets do a few examples so you can get the hang of it. YAYYYYYYYY

ex 1: f(x)= x + 4 g(x)= x + 2. Find the rule for (f + g)(x)

you simply just add the equations

(x + 4) + (x + 2)= 2x+6

ex 2 " "

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