Sunday, November 13, 2011


Soo today im am going to show you how to do problems with tan(a+or -b). There is 2 formulas that go with this section so im going to show you them and then work a problem or two and that should give you enough information to know how this section works. If you was wondering how my weekned went it went great!!!! I went to work satuday then when i got off i went to camp and spent the night and went hunting this morning for a while. I sat in a tree for about 4 hours and got eaten alive by these giant misquitos! Yea i know!! exciting!!! Well anyway im going to get back to math. EWWWWW.

soo here are the only 2 formulas you will need! :
*tan(a+B)=tan a + tan B / 1 - (tan a)(tan B)
*tan(a-B)=tan a - tan B / 1 + (tan a)(tan B)
WEll there are your formulas soo get ready because here come the examples!!!!!

the first example: Tan A=2/3 Tan B=1/2
tan(a+B)= (2/3) + (1/2) / 1 - (2/3)(1/2)
you can use your calculator and just plug this problem in and press enter and BAM!!!!
you get 7/4

Here is the second example!: Tana=2 Tanb=-1/3
tan(a-B)=2 - (-1/3) / 1 + (2)(-1/3)
once again you use your calculator and BAMM!!!!
you get 7! haha

Well now that i have just blown you away by this amazing blog im going to bed! goodnight!

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