Monday, November 21, 2011


So hopefully this posts, because I've been trying since Saturday and every time I hit post it deletes everything instead of posting it. I'm gonna talk about converting rectangular to polar and vice versa.

Convert (9,30 degrees) to rectangular

To do this, use the equation

x=9cos30 y=9sin30

You should get

(9 square root of 3/2,9/2)

Now, let's go over rectangular to polar.

Convert (3,3)

Use this equation:

x=square root of (3^2+3^2)=square root of 18 or +/-3square root of 2

theta=tan inverse (3/3) This equals one which is on your trig chart as 45 degrees. You'd then draw your coordinate plane and find that the other positive angle is 225 degrees. You should have two answers that are set up like this.

(3 square root of 2, 45 degrees)
(-3 square root of 2, 225 degrees)

That's that(:


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