Sunday, November 13, 2011

Season 2 Coming Soon

Hello Everyone! Im sorry about the absence of the 'Cory Teaches You How to Do Something Show". I am here to inform you that Season 2 will be coming very soon, but for now you will just have to settle for ordinary boring blogs until i pick my grades up. When i say grades, i mean the 0 F i have in Wallers class and the soon to be F i will have in this class. Yes, i actually have a 0 as a final grade in Wallers class right now. Anywho lets get started.

Since i have no clue what we learned recently, im going to do this blog on the Tan formulas.

Formula: tan(x + y)= tan x + tan y/ 1 - tanxtany

Example: Suppose tan x= 3/4 and tan y= 2/3. Find tan(x + y)

tan(x + Y)= 3/4 + 2/3 / 1-(3/4)(2/3)
= 17/12 / 1- (1/2)
=17/12 / (1/2)
= 17/6

yay!!! WE DID IT!! goodbye

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