Friday, November 11, 2011


today im going to show you how to do 10-4. 10-4 is very similar to 8-5. it is almost bascially the same exact thing. you have to factor until you get something set to zero and then figure out what angles you have to get. this will make way better sense in the example i will shbow below so lets get to tht there example.

EX: sin^2 x = sin x
 first subtract sin x

sin^2 x - sin x = 0
factor out a sin x

sin x(sin x - 1) = 0
set both of them  = to 0
sin x = 0     sin x - 1 = 0
take the inverse of sin
x= inverse of sin (0)       x= inverse of sin (1)

sin is 0 on the unit circle at 0, 180, and 360 degrees
sin is 1 at 90 degrees.   it asks for the problem in degrees so u cross out 360
 x=0,90,and 180 degrees

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