Saturday, November 19, 2011

11-1 Polar

So this week, I am going to explain how to work Polar Problems. At least I think thats what they are called. So now I am going to give you a few formulas.
To convert from polar to rectangular, you need to know two fomulars. These formulas are:
  1. x=r cos theta
  2. y=r sin theta

To convert from rectangular to polar, you need to also know two formulas. These formulas are:

  1. r= square root of x^2 + y^2
  2. theta= tan -1 (y/x)

NOTE: Always graph using the angle (r, theta) instead od (x,y). That is VERY important.

So, now I am going to work a few examples for you.

Example 1: Plot points (2, 40 degrees)

  • Since, I can't really explain this in much detail. I am just going to show you a picture of what those points would look like once you plot them and that is going to be your answer.

Example 2: Give the rectangular coordinate for (1, 20 degrees)

  • This is when you use the formulas I gave you above.
  • 1 = r and 20 degrees = theta
  • x=1 cos 20
  • y=1 sin 20
  • Once you plug those into your calculator, you will get (.940, .342). Which is going to be your answer.

Example 3: Graph r=sin theta

  • All you do here is plug this formula into your calculator after making sure you set the correct settings.
  • NOTE: Make sure you are in radians and polar mode when graphing these types of problems.
  • Now, I am just going to show you what the graph is going to look like.

Well, that is it for this weeeeekk. YAYYY!!! Hope I helped :D

--Halie :)

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