Sunday, November 27, 2011


So this week I am going to do my blog on 11-1, which has to do with polar problems. These problems are really easyyyyy. Polar problems are always (r, theta) and rectangular problems are always (x,y). There are a few formulas for these types of problems. So I am going to give you these formulas right nowww.

x=rcos theta
y=rsin theta
r=square root of x^2 + y^2

So I guess I am going to work a few examples nowww.

EXAMPLE 1: convert (3,4) into polar form.

  • r=square root 3^2 + 4^2=5

  • theta=tan^-1(4/3)=53.130 and 233.130

  • so your answers are (5, 53 degrees 7 minutes 48 seconds) and (-5, 233 degrees 7 minutes 48 seconds)

EXAMPLE 2: plot the points (-4, 10 degrees)

OKAY, well that is it for this weeek.

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