Sunday, September 4, 2011

7-1 Degrees and Radians

In this section we will be learning how to convert degrees into minutes and seconds, convert radians to degrees, and degrees to radians.

êThe first thing we’re going to learn is how to convert degrees into minutes and seconds.

  1. The first thing you are going to do is take what is behind the decimal and multiply it by 60.
  2. Next, to convert to seconds, you take what is behind the decimal in the minutes and multiply that by 60.

êêThe second thing we’re going to be learning is how to convert a degree into a radian.

  1. Use the formula degree x Pi/180.
HINT: Type in the degree/180 into you’re calculator, put it into a fraction, and put Pi beside it.

êêêThe third and final thing we are going to be learning today is how to convert radians into degrees.

  1. Use the formula Rads x 180/Pi=degree.
HINT: Pi will cancel

Now, I am going to show you an example of each.

êExample 1: Convert 16.73º to minutes(‘) and seconds(“)

  1. .73 x 60 = 43.8
  2. .8 x 60 = 48

You’re answer would be 16º43’48”

êêExample 2: Convert 24º into Radians.

  1. 24/180= 2/15 = 2Pi/15
You're answer would be 2Pi/15

êêêExample 3: Convert Pi/2 into degrees.

  1. Pi/2 x 180/Pi =90º

You're answer would be 90º


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