Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finding Sec, Csc, and Cot

All right, so I don't have my math book or notes for this Blog, so this is the best I could come up with off the top of my head :D!

First I am going to find Sec(73degrees)
1. Enter 1 divided by Cos(73 degrees) into your calculator
2. Hopefully get 3.42 as an answer
3. 3.42 is your final answer

Second, I will find Csc(97degrees)
1. Enter 1 divided by Sin(97degrees) into your calculator
3. Get 1.008 as an answer
3. 1.008 is your final answer

Third, I will find Cot(28degrees)
1. Enter 1 divided by tan(28degrees) into your calculator
2. Get 1.881 as an answer
3. 1.881 is your final answer

(All of the angles used in these examples were random and this process will work for any given angle)

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