Sunday, September 25, 2011

HELLO MRS. ROBINSON'S CLASS!!!!!!! Welcome to another of episode of the, yes you guessed it, "The Cory Teaches You How to do Something Show" starring the one and only, me, Cory Costanza. Ask yourself one question. Am i ready to learn? Well golly gosh you better be because i am so ready to teach. Today's episode we will learn about Finding Angles of Inclination. JESUS FRICKEN CHRISTMAS IM SO EXCITED!!!!!! Lets get started shall we.

Find the angle of inclination of:
3x + 6y= 18

  1. The formula we will use for this problem is m=tan(alpha)

  2. Alpha= angle of inclination

  3. In this problem, m= slope. m= -A/B so m= -3/6= -1/2

  4. Now we know that tan(alpha)= -1/2

  5. YOu need to solve for alpha and than you should get alpha= tan-(-1/2)

  6. tan-(-1/2)=26.565

  7. Now you need to find which quadrants tan is negative in. It is negative in quadrants 2 and 4.

  8. You take 26.565 and make it negative than add 180 to move to Q2 and you get 153.435

  9. Than you make 26.565 negative and add 360 to move to Q4 and you get 333.435.

  10. 153.435 degrees abd 333.435 degrees are your two answers.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks edition of the "Cory Teaches You How to do Something Show". I would like to give a special thanks to Peter Katerjian for calling me and asking me to send him a picture of my math notes so he could do his blog. Without him calling me and asking me to do that, I never would have remembered to do this magnificent, awesome, superb, incredible, unbelieveable, extraordinary(and a bunch of other adjectives you can think of) blog. Well there you have it folks, thats all for tonights show. Join me next weekend so i can teach you how to do something else. Gee Willickers i cant wait. Goodnight everybody.

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