Sunday, September 4, 2011

Degrees and Radians

soo today i've decided to do my blog on degrees and radin, how to convert them to seconds and minutes, how to convert minutes and seconds to dgrees.

1. convert degrees to mins.
-you take whats behind the decimal and multiply it by 60 and it is shown by the symbol( ' )

2. convert to seconds
- you simply take what is behind the decimal in the mins and multiply that by 60 and this is shown by the symbol ( " )

3. convert minutes and seconds to degrees
- you simply use the formula
mins./60+secs./3600 and that will give you the degrees.

Now i am going to explain how to convert degrees to radians and radians to degrees.

4. to convert degrees to radian you will use the formula degrees times pi/180
(Type in the degrees over 180 in the calculator and convert to fraction form and put pi besides it)

5. to convert radian back to degrees you will use the formula radian times 180 over pi (you will notice that pi will cancle out)

Now i will show you an example of each.

Ex:1 14.22 degrees. .22 times 60 = 13.2'

ex:2 14.22degrees 13.2' .2 times 60= 12"

Ex:3 14degrees 2 mins 0 secs. 14+2/60+0/3600=14.03

Ex:4 190 degrees 190/180= 19/18 pi

Ex:5 1/4pi 1/4 times 180=45 degrees.

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