Sunday, September 11, 2011

Trig Chart

Nothing compares to how important it is to learn this trig chart if one wants to be successful in higher level mathematics.

sin 0= 0
sin pi/6=1/2
sin pi/4= square root of 2/2
sin pi/3= square root of 3/2
sin pi/2= 1 cos pi/2= 0
cos 0= 1
cos pi/6= square root of 3/2
cos pi/4= square root of 2/2
cos pi/3= 1/2
cos pi/2= 0

csc 0= undefined
csc pi/6= 2
csc pi/4= square root of 2
csc pi/3= 2 square root of 3/3
csc pi/2= 1 sec pi/2= undefined

sec 0= 1
sec pi/6= 2 square root of 3/3
sec pi/4= square root of 2
sec pi/3= 2
sec pi/2= undefined

tan 0= 0
tan pi/6= square root of 3/3
tan pi/4= 1
tan pi/3= square root of 3 cot pi/3= square root of 3/3
tan pi/2= undefined cot pi/2= 0

cot 0= undefined
cot pi/6= square root of 3
cot pi/4= 1
cot pi/3= square root of 3/3
cot pi/2= 0

As a reminder, pi/6= 30 degrees, pi/4= 45 degrees, pi/3= 60 degrees, pi/2= 90 degrees
Also, sin=sine, cos=cosine, csc= cosecant, sec=secant, tan=tangent, cot=cotangent


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