Sunday, January 22, 2012

15-1 venn diagrams

today is learning about how to do and make venn diagrams. its is really simple just have to know wht you are doing. first thing is to know about the union, intersection, and if the equation has a compliment. the symbol for a union is "u" and symbol for an intersection is "n". a compliment will have a line over your variable. with an intersection all you are looking for is whats in the middle of the wo circles. the union is both circles and the intersection but you only count the intersection one time. so lets do an example to make this more clear.

EX: a small college has 1000 students. F= college freshman, and M= set of music majors. tell the number of members each question asks for.
here is your venn diagram.

1) F n M
this is means find the intersection of F and M which = 15

2)F u M
this means find union of F and M..add all 3 numbers which = 350

3) compliment of F
this means find everything but F including the total 1000 freshman which is 1000-300= 700

4) compliment of M
this means find everything but M including the total 1000 freshman which is 1000-65=935

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