Saturday, January 7, 2012

function notation

so this week we learned about how to do function notation. function notation is a really easy process if you can just pay attention on what to do. usually you will be given an f(x) and a g(x) and from there you will determine which rule you will use. i will give the rules below in just a minute. your final answer should be factored out if you have to solve with (x) or a number if you solve with a (#). here are the rules then an example.

(f + g) (x) - add equations
(f - g) (x) - subtract eqs.
(f * g) (x) - multiply eqs.
(f / g) (x) - divide eqs.
(f o g) (x) - replace all x's in the f(x) equation with the equation g(x)
if there is a number then you use number instead of x

EX: f(x) = x^2 + x  g(x) = x+1
(f+g) (x)
first just plug in for f and g
(x^2 + x) + (x+1)
then add as followed
x^2 + 2x + 1
factor for final ans
(x + 1) (x + 1)

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