Sunday, January 29, 2012

Permutation and combination

Guess who almost forgot to blog again! THIS GIRL. Anyway i cant reach my laptop so im on my ipad and apologize for any spelli issues. Okay so this week we did permutation and combination. These are two types of probability that basically tell you how things can be put into order.

Permutation is used when order is important. For instance, if you need to elect a president, vice president, and secretary to the student council but you have 30 members you would use permutation. There is an equation for this, but it is in my locker at school. So in a bit I will teach you how to use the calculator buttons.

Combination is used when order is completely and totally irrelevant. For instance, if you needed to elect three officers to a student board of thirty students combination would be used. Oh and by the way both of these involve factorials. There is an equation for this too. That is also in my locker.

EXAMPLE: You have choose 44 cards from a standard 52 card deck. The order of the cards you choose is irrelevant.

For this problem, you would use combination. Set up the equation 52C44 the big number always comes first.

Then pull out your handy dandy calculator. Type in the first number. Press the math key, go over to the last little column and select the combination button. Type the second number. Press enter. Write the answer on the paper.

Anyway this particular answer is...hang on I have to change the batteries in my calculator...752538150. That's how you do that.

I hope you've all enjoyed the most impromptu blog ever written. Okay goodnight.


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