Sunday, January 1, 2012

degrees and radians and new years and stuff

Today we are going to convert degrees to radians and then radians to degrees. Pay close attention because this is VERY important in trig.

You are going to multiply 60 by pi/180.

All you really have to do is simplify 60/180 then add pi in.

You’re answer should therefore be 1pi/3, which is simply pi/3

Now for radians to degrees.

Convert 5pi/4 to degrees.

To convert radians to degrees the process is almost exactly the same

You multiply 5pi/4 times 180/pi.

The pi cancels leaving you with 5/4 times 180.

5 X 180= 900/4=225 degrees.

If you do not get a whole number, you need to convert to degrees minutes and seconds.

To convert to degrees minutes and seconds you multiply the number behind the decimal by 60. This number becomes minutes. If there is another set of numbers behind the decimal, multiply by 60 again. If you still don’t have a whole number after multiplying by sixty twice, you drop the number behind the decimal and the number in front of the decimal becomes seconds.


I’m sorry this blog is poorly written but I’m exhausted. HAPPY NEW YEAR :D

See you guys Wednesday :/


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