Saturday, January 7, 2012

Function Notation

This week we are going to learn about function notation. It's really easy. All you have to do is basic algebra as long as you know what each thing is asking for. With that being said i'm going to show you exactly what each problem is asking you to do!

  • (f+g)(x) means to add the f(x) equation and the g(x) equation.
  • (f-g)(x) means to subtract the f(x) equation and the g(x) equation.
  • (fxg)(x) means to multiple the two equations together.
  • (f/g)(x) means to divide the two equations.
  • (fºg)(x) or f(g(x)) means to replace all the x's in f(x) with g(x)
  • If x is replaced with a number, plug into the equation.
Example 1:
Using the equations f(x)=2x+1 and g(x)=x-4 find:
a) (f+g)(2)
  • (2(2)+1)+((2)-4)
  • =3
b) f(g(1))
  • (1)-4
  • =-3
  • 2(-3)+1
  • =-5
That's about it for now on function notation! Have a great day or not, THE CHOICE IS YOURS! :)
--Carley :)

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