Sunday, January 15, 2012

4-3 Symmetry

So this week I am going to explain how to work problems that make you check for symmetry. These problems have a lot of notes, but are very easy to do. So here are the notes that you are going to need to know:

About the x-axis:

  • Put a negative in front of the y and simplify.
  • The new equation is symmetry about the x-axis.
  • If it matches the original it is symmetry about the x-axis

About the y-axis:

  • Put a negative in front of the x's
  • The new equation is symmetry about the y-axis
  • If it matches the original it is symmetry about the y-axis

About the origin:

  • Put negative in front of the x's and y's
  • The new equation is symmetry about the origin
  • If it matches the original it is symmetry about the origin

About y=x

  • Switch the x and the y and solve for y.
  • The new equation is symmetry about y=x
  • If it matches the original it is symmetry about y=x

So now I am going to work an example to help you to better understand what you are doing in problems like these.

Example 1: y^2-xy=2

  1. -y^2-x(-y)=2
  2. -y^2+xy=2
  3. Not sym about x-axis

  1. y^2-(-x)y=2
  2. y^2+xy=2
  3. Not sym about y-axis

  1. -y^2-(-x)(-y)=2
  2. -y^2-xy=2
  3. Not sym about origin

  1. x^2-yx=2
  2. Not sym about y=x

And it is as easy as that. Well that is it for this weeek. BYEE

--Halie :)

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