Sunday, January 8, 2012

Function Notation

Today I am going to explain how to work function noatation problems. Function notations are mainly algebra, which makes it really easy. There are some formulas that you need for these and they are as follows:

  • (f+g)(x) - This means that you add the f(x) equation and the g(x) equations together

  • (f-g)(x) - This means that you subtract the g(x) equation from the f(x) equation

  • (f o g) - This means that you multiply the f(x) equation and the g(x) equation

  • (f/g) - This means that you divide the f(x) equation by the g(x) equation

Remember, if there a number instead of (x) replace that x with the number given.

Example 1: f(x) = x+1 g(x) = x^2-1, Find the rule for (f+g)(x)

1.You are going to add the f(x) and the g(x)


2. You have to factor within the equations if possible. If not possible, then cancel anything if possible.

Since there is nothing to factor, we skip to the cancelling step. +1 and - 1 can be cancelled.


3. Now you have to factor if posisble.


Your answer is x(x+1) .

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