Sunday, December 4, 2011

14-1 Matrices

I am going to teach about how to add matrices. It's quite simple but here a few things to keep in mind while performing this simple algebra.
• Must have the same dimensions, if you are adding or subtracting.
• The corresponding numbers are added or subtracted in the matrices.
• Another thing that you need to remember is that you add or subtract the corresponding numbers in the matrices
• A^t means to find the transpose of A. Just switch the rows and columns of the matrice.

Example: [ 9 12 ] [ 6 3 ]
[ 15 8 ] [ 7 5 ]
To find out the answer:
Add the corresponding first row first # to the corresponding first column first #
So, 9+6=15
Add the corresponding first row second # to the corresponding first column second #
So 12+7= 19
Add the corresponding second row first # to the corresponding second column first #
So 15+6= 21
Add the corresponding second row second # to the corresponding second column second #
So 8+5=13
The dimensions of the matrix is 2x2
The final matrix would be [ 15 19 ]
[ 21 13 ]

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