Sunday, December 11, 2011

Matrix Multiplication!

This week my blog is going to be on multiplying matrices.

  • In order to multiply matrices the inner numbers have to match. For example if you have a matrix with 3x4 dimensions and another matrix with 4x2 dimesnions, that can be multiplied because the two inner numbers are 4 and 4.If you have a matrix with the dimesnions of 2x3 and another with 2x3 they will not be able to multiply because the inner numbers are 3 and 2.

  • When you multiply the matrices, the resulting matrix will have dimesnions of the outer numbers.

Now I'm going to do some expamples to help you better understand.

Example 1:

The dimensions of matrix one is 2x3. The dimensions of matrix two is 3x2. Because the inner numbers match, they can be multiplied. Now you multiply

This is is your final product.

Example 2:

Because the inner numbers of the dimesnions of the matrices don't match. This cannot be multiplied. So your answer is not defined.

Ta-da!! There you have it!

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