Sunday, December 18, 2011

8-4 Review

This week I am going to review with you all the material that we learned back in September. I am going to show you all how to work problems by using the relationships among trig functions. There are some formulas that you need to know before you work any problems.
• Sinx / cosx = tanx
• Cosx / sinx = cotx
• Cscx = 1 / sinx
• Secx = 1 / cosx
• Cotx = 1 / tanx
• Sin^2x + cos^2x = 1
• 1 + tan^2x = sec^2x
• 1 + cot^2x = csc^2x
• Sinx = cos (90 degrees – x)
• Cosx = sin (90 degrees – x)
• Tanx = cot (90 degrees – x)
• Cotx = tan (90 degrees – x)
• Secx = csc (90 degrees – x)
• Cscx = sec (90 degrees – x)
There are also some steps that you need to follow loosely.
1. Algebra
2. Identites; try the Pythagorean identity first, then, if it helps, move everything to sin and cos
3. Then more Algebra
4. Continue with steps 1-3
Example: (secx – 1) (secx + 1)
• Sec^2x – 1
• Tan^2x


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