Sunday, December 18, 2011

7-1 Converting

When you are converting from degrees to minutes and seconds:
  • When converting to minutes, take the numbers or number behind the decimal and multiply it by 60.
  • When converting to seconds, you take the answer you got for minutes and multiply the numbers or number behind the decimal by 60.

Ex. Convert 14.65 degrees to minutes and seconds.

  • .65 x 60=39
  • Since the answer is not in decimal form, you do not need to go on to seconds.
  • Final answer: 14 degrees 39 minutes

When you converting from minutes and seconds to degree:

  • Take the degree and add it to minutes.
  • Then you divide that by 60.
  • Take that and add it to seconds and then divide by 60.

Ex. Convert 21 degrees 10 minutes 3 seconds to degrees.

  • 21 + 10/60 + 3/60 = 0.059 degrees

When you are converting from degrees to radians:

  • Take the degrees and multiply it by Pi/180.

Ex. Convert 200 degrees to radians.

  • 200 degrees x Pi/180 =10/9Pi

When you are converting from radians to degrees:

  • Take the number and multiply it by 180/Pi.

Ex. Convert 5Pi/9 to degrees.

  • 5Pi/9 x 180/Pi
  • The Pis cancel and leave you with 5/9 x 180
  • Final answer:100 degrees

Amber :)

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