Sunday, December 4, 2011


This week I am going to teach you all how to work problems with matrices. This is one of the easiest things that I will teach you this year. It is pretty much basic algebra.

Here is a list of things that you need to know about matrices:
• Whenever you add or subtract matrices, they must have the same dimensions
• The dimensions are (rows x columns)
• Another thing that you need to remember is that you add or subtract the corresponding numbers in the matrices
• When you see, find A^t, it means find the transpose of A. Transpose means to switch the columns and the rows of the matrix.

Now it is time for me to show you an example.

Example: [ 5 13 ] + [ 15 8 ]
• You would add 5 + 15 and 13 + 8
• Your final matrix would be [ 20 21 ]
• The dimensions of this matrix are 1 x 2


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