Sunday, December 18, 2011

8-1 angle of inclinationnn

I am going to do my blog on angle of inclination..wooohoooo! There are ALOTT of notes for these types of problems. So i guess i should start giving you some of the notes. So here it goes:

  • The first thing you want to do is isolate the trig functions. Which you should already know how to doo.
  • The next thing you need to do is take the inverse of the trig function.
  • The next step can be one of two things. You either can plug into the trig chart or just plug the equation into your calculator. EASYYY
  • Then your going to use the quadrants to find the rest of your answes.
Some formulas for this section are m=tan a and tan 2a=B/A-C.

So i guess i should do some examples now. Or maybe ill just do one example.

Find the angle of inclination of 4x+8y=16

  • use the formula m=tan a
  • your slope is going to be -4/8
  • so you can then plug that into the equation.
  • which is going to give you 26.565.
  • then you are going to plug it into the right quadrants and turn your answers into degrees minutes and seconds.
  • your answers are going to be 153 degrees 26 minutes 6 seconds and 333 degrees 26 minutes 6 seconds.
and thats itt. LOVEE, BRADDD

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