Saturday, December 3, 2011


This week I am going to teach you how to work matrix problems. They are really easy! There are a few things you need to know though before I begin working examples.

These few things are:

  1. To add matrices they must be the same dimensions (rows x columns)
  2. Also, when you add matrices, you always add the corresponding entries.
  3. A^t is a type of matix. ^t means to swith rows and columns.

So now that you know the basics. I am going to work some examples for you.

Example 1: [ 12 7] + [3 -4]

  • When adding matrices, remember that you add the corresponding entries.
  • So it is going to be 12 + 3 and 7 +-4.
  • Your answer is going to be [15 3]

Example 2: What are the dimensions of the answer of the problem in example 1?

  • To figure out the dimensions it is very easy.
  • Dimensions are always written rows x columns.
  • So the answer to example one was [15 3]
  • You have one row and two columns in that answer
  • So your dimensions are going to be 1 x 2

Example 3: [15 3]^t

  • In this problem you are going to be finding the transpose of the given problem.
  • This is very easy! All you have to do is swith the rows and columns.
  • So your answer is going to be | 15 |
  • | 3 |

And that is how you work problems with matrices! YAYYY.


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